‘Religion’ as a Term of Abuse
We all do it. We say of an ideology or belief system
that it amounts to a religion – and we are not being polite. This seems odd,
particularly when we openly admit to religious beliefs. I am going to try to
avoid doing so in the future.
A better term would, perhaps, be ‘metaphysics’. You
can’t avoid metaphysics. You have to have a world view. It can be coherent or
incoherent. My world view is theistic (or, more precisely, Catholic). No one
has shown me that it is incoherent. Another world view would be animism, the
belief that everything that happens is driven by the spirits inherent in
mountains, rivers, trees etc. It has been very common, perhaps universal at
earlier stages in history. To be truthful, it is not self-evidently incoherent.
In fact, from my point of view, it is one up from Naturalism, the belief that
there is no reality other than physical reality. It is at least two up from
Solipsism, the belief that the world is simply a product of my imagination,
including the apparent existence of other minds.
To support Naturalism you have to introduce stuff
like the multiverse, a metaphysical assertion with absolutely no evidence to support it.
So, in rejecting Atheism I am not going to say it
amounts to a religion. My accusation will henceforth be that it is, or depends on,
bad metaphysics.
The metaphysical assumptions that Sheldrake rejects,
for example that the Laws of Nature are fixed, bring down howls of protest that
he is committing scientific heresy. John Maddox, sometime editor of Nature, is vituperative, claiming that
Sheldrake’s books would be candidates for burning, if we burnt books. As it
happens, I do have a strong animus against Maddox. As editor of Nature, he used his influence to prevent
Peter Duesberg from making his case against the preposterous HIV theory of
AIDS, thus helping to prevent alternative avenues of research.
As for Islam:
My quarrel with Islam is not that it amounts to a religion but that the religious element is swamped by the socio-political element. Islam has too little to say about God. Islam is Shari’ah and veneration for Mohammed plus a bit of theology. Allah is, according to the Koran, small-minded and vindictive; but, of course, the vindictiveness is directed at those who do not venerate Mohammed as he would like them to. Strip out the hatred from Islam; get rid of the misogynistic Shari’ah; abandon the idolatory of Mohammed and you might have a real religion, but it would be a pale imitation of Judaism and Christianity.
My quarrel with Islam is not that it amounts to a religion but that the religious element is swamped by the socio-political element. Islam has too little to say about God. Islam is Shari’ah and veneration for Mohammed plus a bit of theology. Allah is, according to the Koran, small-minded and vindictive; but, of course, the vindictiveness is directed at those who do not venerate Mohammed as he would like them to. Strip out the hatred from Islam; get rid of the misogynistic Shari’ah; abandon the idolatory of Mohammed and you might have a real religion, but it would be a pale imitation of Judaism and Christianity.
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