Judging Ideologies
It is very easy to identify bad practice perpetrated
by those with whom you disagree. I do it when I draw attention to the deaths
caused by Socialists (national and international) in the twentieth century. I
do it when I point to the millions of deaths caused by Muslims in their
conquests and conversions, when I deplore the attitudes of Muslims to women and
gays and when I when I ask you to observe that the politics of the Islamic
world bring not prosperity but backwardness and corruption.
Anjem Choudary does it when he rails against the
culture of the West; although he is disingenuous to suggest that sexual
predation is pretty well exclusively a western phenomenon. It is not. It is
in-built in Islam. And that is the point.
Hypocrisy is preaching one thing and doing another –
being a whited sepulchre. Human beings have a predilection for hypocrisy.
Baptists, Mormons and Catholics behave hypocritically; so do Socialists and
Muslims. It is very easy to convict Christians of failing to obey the two great
commandments: to love God and to love our neighbours.
When we judge an ideology, we should do it from
First Principles. It is not enough to catalogue the crimes of Hitler or bin
Laden. By doing so we simply invite the riposte, ‘What about the Crusades, the
Inquisition and clerical child abuse?’ I may make a convincing claim that the
Arithmetic of cruelty makes Mao and ISIL worse than Torquemada or ‘Christian’ slave
traders. My real job should be to demonstrate that and why Socialism
and Shari’ah lead to abuse and violence.
This is harder than accusing Socialism of creating
famines or Muslims of ‘honour killings.’ Making the case that Catholicism is essentially and fundamentally better than Marxism or Islam is a tough one. Marxists
and Muslims are going to be very
hard to persuade. Even the uncommitted are a huge challenge. We will never win
over everybody, especially by doing History and Arithmetic. We have got to go
deeper. We have got to show that espousing ideology X leads to behaviour Y.
Robert Spencer and David Wood are two American
thinkers and activists who do Islam the courtesy of knowing what it teaches. They
quote the Koran and Hadith chapter and verse. The Austrian School of Economics
dismantles Socialism axiomatically. They show that it cannot be made to work
without violence and oppression, that it leads to poverty and immiseration.
Milton Friedman tells us that a society which values
equality over liberty will end up with neither. Being fallen human beings, we will
never create a perfect society, although we can improve society. Some societies
are better than others. Migration statistics are a clue. North Korean embassies
around the world are not swamped with visa applicants. Another penalty of the
Fall is that we have to think a lot
harder than we like.
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