Muslims and Crime
I posted recently that I had looked at the cases
coming up in Manchester and had been surprised to note that Muslims were
disproportionately represented. That is to say: There were more Ahmeds and
Mustafas (compared to Michaels and Davids) than the overall population of
Manchester would predict.
I make no claim to be a statistician. I freely admit
that I did not even notice the number of defendants with Armenian surnames (or
whether there were any). FYI,
Armenian surnames characteristically end with ‘ian’.
I have returned to this topic because I watched Crimewatch this evening. The number of
people with Islamic names being sought by the police was, likewise, higher than
you might expect. This may, of course, be explained by the BBC’s notorious
I have made a cursory (by no means exhaustive)
search of the internet. Eg, I looked for ‘Muslim Crime UK Statistics’. This was
less revealing than I hoped. However, there was one statistic that caught my
attention: 27% of the prison population (2011) is Muslim. In France the figure
is 70%, in Spain 60%. This is scary! Nowhere did I see contrary stats from, say
Anjem Choudary, to prove that Muslims are disproportionately law abiding.
One thing I did notice, in passing, was that one guy
convicted of benefit fraud on a large scale maintained that his behaviour was
not contra to Shari’ah.
We may have a bigger problem than we suppose, even
those of us who are concerned about ‘radicalised’ Muslim youth and the goings
on in Doncaster.
People living in Britain are not reproducing at
replacement rates. Perhaps this is why successive governments have
allowed/encouraged immigration by very large numbers. Somebody has to provide
for the pensioners of the future. A question that arises is: do immigrants
contribute more by the taxes they pay than the benefits they consume? I can’t
say that I know. It’s worth asking. Are Canadian immigrants or Bangladeshi immigrants
more or less likely to be net contributors? It’s worth asking.
Our National Insurance scheme is pure Ponzi! I get
£144 a week from the Dept of Work and Pensions. What could I have expected if I
had put my NI ‘contributions’ into my own fund? I hazard that it would be a
good deal more. If I had been responsible from the age of eighteen for my own
pension, the government would have had less incentive to allow/encourage
immigration. Similarly, had the government not in 1945/6 decided to take
responsibility for my health care, it is certain that health care costs would
be dramatically lower. In the 19th and early 20th century
many Brits paid subscriptions to cover potential health care costs. It was
pence per week. Needless to say, if we had comparable systems today, the costs
would be very substantially higher than pence per week (medical technology
being so much more sophisticated). However, if competition between health care
providers had been free, I submit that health care would be affordable. What is
more, in Christendom and the Anglosphere charities were and could be
significant. Compare Education. When Parliament passed the Education Act in
1870, nearly everybody could read. In the Third World today many poor parents
choose cheap private education over free public education.
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