The Pope
Has Not Been Reading My Blog
More is
the pity.
AGW is not a matter of faith or morals.
It is a
matter of the deepest regret that the head of my church has shown himself to be
as ignorant as he has. Moreover, he has revealed himself, not for the first
time, to be a member of the bien pensant chattering classes. Oh dear! He
doesn’t know much economics. Which is to say that he has not shown himself to
be even aware of economic ideas outside of the Marxist/Keynesian mainstream.
I do not
think, for one moment, that he has changed any minds. Those of us with active
minds were sceptical of the alarmists before he pronounced on this issue. He
has, however, undermined many thoughtful Catholics. I do not, for one moment,
think that all Catholics think as I do. Many do. We have suddenly been plunged
into the position of anti-papists. He was wrong to do this to us. He has, and
this is indubitable, given comfort to many who are viscerally anti-Catholic.
Some Catholics, I suppose, are in the Al Gore camp.
One of
my deepest concerns is about what I call ‘families of ideas’. Materialism,
Subjectivism and Socialism are all members of the current predominant family.
AGM is, at least, a cousin.
The pope
is entitled to his opinion on economic issues, though his ecclesiastical role gives
him no authority for his opinions. Earlier popes have been unequivocal about
their opposition to socialism. I do, indeed, hate and despise socialism. For
me, socialism is (like fascism) incompatible with Catholic theology. I am a
five year old Catholic. My love of the church is not, has never been, a
consequence of my libertarian world view. I am delighted (at the same time) to
discover that my Catholicism is entirely consistent with libertarianism.
my favourite member of the Austrian School is Tom Woods. He is a historian
rather than an economist. But he knows more Economics than Paul Krugman, who
has a Nobel Prize. TW has written many fine books. My favourite is The Church & the Market. He is, by
the way, a Catholic.
I would
like to hear Tom Woods’ take on the Holy Father’s latest encyclical.
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