Seventy-two Minutes of Brilliance
Daniel Hannan is as incandescently brilliant a political
orator as the English speaking world can boast today. He has no rivals. For the
record here are some of the competition: Jonah Goldberg, George Will and George
Galloway. I admire the first two of these unconditionally both for their
oratory and their positions. GG is a phenomenon – wrong about everything but an
extraordinary speaker.
Please watch this ten point argument for political
disengagement from the EU. Imagine him being opposed by Ken Clarke, Leon
Britain or Nick Clegg. He could take them on simultaneously and comprehensively
defeat them.
He will never be a minister. However, he is too
precious a treasure in our political life to make this any cause for serious
This speech is a master class in how to think and
how to argue. Who were his masters in rhetoric? Disraeli was long dead before
Hannan was born. It is a mystery. It is native brilliance.
One of the points he makes is this. In 1973 what has
morphed into the EU accounted for 36% of world GDP. It is now 25% and by 2020
it will be 16%. It is the only trade block in the world which is shrinking. We
are specifically forbidden from signing trade agreements with, for example,
India. India’s economy is growing at 7% per annum. The language of business in
India is English. We have accounting traditions in common. There are over a
million Britons of Indian descent. Iceland (pop about 300,000) makes its own
trade agreements with India. We cannot. Beyond absurd.
Another point: EU law takes precedence over UK law,
not because of treaty obligations but because of judicial activism by EU
courts. Democracy?
Do listen. DH is an education.
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