A Momentous Month
I will have been in my new flat for three weeks
tomorrow. With nearly every day it becomes more like a home. In a couple of
weeks I will have a sofa-bed. Within three weeks I will have new blinds. I
still have a few storage problems because, in spite of strenuous efforts, I
failed to dispossess myself of enough clutter before I left my terraced house.
Today, my handyman and friend, Tony, fitted a couple of ‘grab-rails’, which
make getting in and out of the shower a much less alarming process. He drove me
to Tesco and I bought a new TV, by far the most sophisticated I have ever
watched. Tony then connected it for me. Also today my friend Lesley has helped
me to get to grips with the washer-drier. She is so practical!
I am very lucky to be able to call on the assistance
of such folks. I am now learning to shop on line from Tesco – what a great
business, greater by far than the NHS.
I am a very fortunate man.
Here’s what I would like to do (if you were lucky
enough that I were in charge) with the NHS. I would sell it hospital by
hospital, GP practice by GP practice, ambulance service by ambulance service to
businesses like Tesco, Asda and Bupa (or anybody who believed they could make
(sacred word) a profit. I would distribute the proceeds equally to every man,
woman and child in the UK. Then I would slash the taxes needed to run this
behemoth. Almost everybody would be much better off. They would be able to buy
healthcare or health insurance to suit themselves AND they would be able to
contribute to charities for the indigent.
Then I’d move on to state schools. There are so many
of these ghastly institutions that it would probably take longer. I imagine
that Eton College Plc, Malborough College Ltd (plus Tesco) would find it easy
to raise the finance to buy them and make them work. Abolishing the Dept for
Education and Science would save a fortune. Rich and poor alike would have more
money (after more taxes were slashed) to buy the schooling for their children
that they actually wanted. The cost of education would necessarily fall.
Education charities would spring up – our richer population would have the cash
and the incentive to ensure the children of the poorest were not illiterate and
Where next?
Well, under my scheme (please note that I want
nothing to do with specific policies in specific schools or hospitals), each
individual would be so much richer that they would be casting about for ways to
invest their surplus income. Employment would soar. The need for benefits would
Would I reprieve a few ‘safety net’ services? I
think not. Bureaucracies have no incentive to limit themselves. Would there be
casualties? Probably. Would they exceed the casualties suffered under our
current system? I think not.
It would take more years than I expect to have left
to implement other necessary reforms (sound money being one of the most
important). Sound money, as opposed the fiat system now in operation, would
prevent government from looting us by inflation – in addition to the lawful
looting which is taxation.
Of course, by some people’s lights this would be
described as free markets gone mad. Is it possible to deny that what we have
now is a welfare state gone mad? No.
I would be for these changes for two reasons:
efficiency and morality. It is patently obvious that free enterprise runs
things better than governments. Yes, they take a profit for what they do.
Making a profit by undertaking risk, investing creativity and hard work – who
could reasonably object? Rationality is in short supply these days – alas! When
governments run things, they do not look to make a profit. Instead, they
‘administer’ each and every gruesome programme. This is fabulously expensive.
Average return on capital for a free market enterprise is a few percentage
points. The cost in admin for each programme is a hefty proportion of what is
actually doled out.
Capitalism is far more moral than the alternative.
Real virtues are rewarded: thrift, hard work etc. Failure is punished –
sometimes in sad circumstances. When a state school fails, money is shovelled
in to ‘remedy’ the situation. When a supermarket fails, it fails and other
entrepreneurs have a chance to buy the assets and have a go. In the third world
there are many examples of poor people choosing to spend money on private
education, rather than send their children to ‘free’ state schools.
Capitalism is free exchange. Every exchange is based
on the fact that each party takes part in the expectation of being better off.
This is a fallen world. Sometimes we regret an exchange – we learn, it is to be
hoped. Capitalism is about learning – about information. No government
department has a fraction of the information required to run public services.
They have a pitifully poor record of learning from mistakes. The opportunities
for corruption are rife. A particular favourite of mine is pensions for state
employees – paid for by taxpayers. A headmaster, who may have done an OK job,
gets an inflation proof pension paid for by many people who get no such benefit
– this is corrupt.
Well, good night. I am not asking for your vote. I
wouldn’t have the chutzpah to fight
the vested interests.
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