Yesterday, Thursday, 15th Nov 2012 saw the first ballots
for Police and Crime Commissioners in England (PCCs), what Daniel Hannan
insists in calling elected sheriffs. The turnout was pitiful; at least one
polling station saw not a single voter.
I am very much in favour of this innovation, brought in by
our coalition government for which I have no enthusiasm whatsoever. Locally
elected sheriffs are entirely consonant with the Catholic doctrine of
subsidiarity, the idea that all political decisions should be made as close to
the people they affect as possible. When local electorates choose to pass up
the opportunity to make decisions which affect them and their neighbours, we
are in a very bad place.
We can blame the non-voters, individuals who are too lazy to
think about the issues. I, for one, believe them to be culpable, to a degree.
We can also blame the political establishment (or political class) for the
existence of such indifference. British politics has been horribly debased over
the decades in which I have had a vote. Brits are cynical about the candidates
in any election. Characteristically, the main parties are seen as being pretty
much the same as each other; and, indeed, their electoral calculations outweigh
any fundamental principles. An enormous swathe of the electorate votes on the
narrowest self-interest. So we have the disastrous situation in which the
electorate corrupts the political class and vice
versa. How do we break out of this vicious circle? In my view, we have to
start with the political class. Can we expect it to reform itself? Too much to
hope, I think. What is required is for an assault upon the political institutions
by principled individuals.
Utter despair, you might think. Where are such individuals
to be found? Well, they do exist. They are nourished by ideas, ideas founded
upon the best traditions of Western Thought: Locke, Burke and Adam Smith. Happily
for us, these traditions are maintained not just in libraries but also in a
regiment of institutions dedicated not just to their maintenance but also to
their development. America is on a downward spiral, judging by recent political
events. And yet, America is the home of many magnificent organisations (all
privately funded) dedicated to the concept of Liberty. Among these
organisations are: The Ludwig von Mises Institute, The Cato Institute, The
American Enterprise Institute and The Acton Institute. We have in the UK the
Cobden Centre and the Adam Smith Institute. Heroic individuals in the USA
are too numerous to mention. We have our own Toby Baxendale, Eammon Butler,
Daniel Hannan and Steve Baker. In Ireland there is Gerard Casey. All these
people and the bodies to which they are affiliated are profoundly committed to
the power of ideas.
Lest you should think that ideas, being insubstantial, are
feeble, think for a moment about the twentieth century, in which ideas killed
more people than bullets, than atom bombs!
My hope is that the ideas of classical Liberalism and its
progeny, with far more substantial intellectual foundations than Mein Kampf, Das Kapital and The Thoughts of Chairman Mao will
This is not to ignore the barriers that face us. One of the
most formidable is The Media.
Newspaper and broadcast journalists (among the most powerful of opinion makers)
are, for the most part lazy, complacent and in thrall to the political class.
Our ideas-driven, principled individuals need to target (to invade) the
bastions of bien pensant media
institutions. This may take a generation or more. Perhaps it will take a yet
deeper plunge into financial chaos to wake people up.
The highest barrier is ourselves. The framers of the
American Constitution recognised that the blueprint which they had devised required
a moral citizenry – not that every citizen should be a saint but that every day
and political decisions should be made in the light of moral imperatives. The
decline of Christianity in Europe has meant that every day and political
decisions are typically made according to individual and apparently utilitarian
lights. Fortunately for all of us, Christianity has declined far less sharply
in America than in Europe. Christianity is growing apace in Africa. Korean
Christian missionaries are evangelising China. Korea is 50% Christian.
What if China, as well as becoming the world’s dominant
economy in the next generation (as a result of adopting western free-market policies)
were to become a “moral” democracy?
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