I posted bitterly yesterday about corruption in the West. We
have been smug and complacent about our institutions: our incorruptible civil
servants and our legislatures, full of selfless, disinterested men and women,
eager to use their talents only in the service of their fellow men. We have
contrasted our rulers with those of benighted times past and societies distant.
I, myself, believed, for most of my life, that, to a degree,
our aspiration was to imitate Our Lord, who presented himself as the servant of
his friends, whose feet he washed. I knew, of course, that this aspiration was
not more than an aspiration, which I and all the human beings I had ever met
fell short of the ideal.
Our faith in Democracy could be justified negatively, to
paraphrase C S Lewis: We embraced it, not because the majority are so virtuous
that they deserve to rule, but because we could never trust any fallen human
being with authority over us. This makes a lot of sense. Pretty well everything
which emanates from Christian theology does. We recognised that Democracy was
untidy, that it required endless compromise. We smiled with knowing self-satisfaction
at Churchill’s characterisation of Democracy as the worst form of government
apart all the others that have ever been tried. He may have been right. All those
other forms have been tyrannies of one sort or another, including (perhaps
especially) those which based their legitimacy on egalitarianism.
I am an admirer of Rudolph Rummel, the brilliant Hawaiian historian.
His, not quite unique, insight is that no two democracies have ever been to war
with each other. I have an earlier post on this great man. The facts that he
presents are strongly supportive of Democracy. Given the choice between North
Korea and Sweden, there is no contest.
When Benjamin Franklin was asked what form of government the
Constitution’s framers had constructed, he replied, “A Republic, if you will keep
He and his heroic fellows did indeed construct a sublime
document. He, and they, lived in an era in which “moral sentiments” were closer
to the surface of every day discourse than in the 21st century. We
suffer from a sort of moral illiteracy. We live in an era in which the Sunday Times
could poll its readers with the following question: Is marital infidelity a sin
or a temptation? You do get it, I hope. This is a morally illiterate question.
Forgive me for belabouring the point. To ask it, you must not know the meaning
of “sin” or “temptation” in English. If they had asked whether marital infidelity
was a big deal there would have been intelligible responses, including: Yes, No
or Compared with what?
I am very depressed to conclude that Democracy has slid into
Corruption. The US founding fathers recognised that for their constitution to
work the electorate required a moral compass, that people needed to be moral,
not to be saints (saints are regrettably rare) but that Right and Wrong should
figure as poles.
Corruption is a disease and one which spreads easily in democratic
societies. We electors infect our rulers. Focus groups tell them what we would
like. They infect us. They promise to favour our group if we vote for them.
Are we doomed? Perhaps. Are there alternative outcomes?
Hans Herman Hoppe is an “Austrian” thinker who has exposed
the Democratic Dilemma. We should pay attention. There are smart people in the
Libertarian movement who think that we can and should allow/encourage institutions
to arise from the market, to emerge from the endless transactions between
individuals, independently of what tyrannical governments mandate.
The bigger the political entity the more likely it is to be
corrupt. The government of the US has this century trampled on the
constitution. You do not need an IQ to see that Income Tax and Obamacare are violations
of the Constitution, just a pulse. You do not need a degree in international
law to notice that Greece’s admission to the Eurozone was contrary to the
instruments which brought the Euro into being.
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