What Can We Expect from This Election?
I confess that I am terrified. Not for myself
personally – I have a modest income from the state (my pension). This is not as
lavish as it would have been had I invested my National Insurance ‘contributions’
in the stock market since the day I got my NI number. I have a small ‘private’
pension and I am lucky enough to own three houses which are competently managed
by agents. The rents I receive exceed the mortgages on these properties. I am very
lucky. When I die, I will leave a modest inheritance to my sons and their
children. It is for the United Kingdom that I worry – the United Kingdom that
the major parties fought so hard to save from break-up when the Scots were
given the opportunity to vote on independence.
At the time, I hoped that the Scots would vote
themselves independence. I love the country and the people; but the Scottish electorate
is considerably more left wing than the English. I wanted a ‘Yes’ vote because
it seemed to me that we would then have permanent right of centre governments
in England. There is, I think, one Tory MP representing a Scottish constituency
and about 40 Labour MPs. Most of these are likely to lose their seats in May –
to SNP candidates. The SNP is well to the left of Labour. So, the likelihood is
that although the Tories may win more seats in Parliament than Labour, Labour
will, with SNP support, form the next government. More English money will
siphoned off to Scotland. The Scots, who have a great deal of autonomy in
Scotland, will continue to have a vote on major issues that affect only
England, Wales and Northern Ireland, whereas English MPs will have no say on Scottish
Education or Scottish Healthcare. This is, and will continue to be, unjust and
bad for England.
The Cameron government, shackled to the left leaning
Lib/Dems for the last five years, has made modest inroads into the state’s
annual deficit – though, so far, not into our total indebtedness. We are still
borrowing – the hole is growing deeper.
Deep gloom is the appropriate state of mind.
I used to be a Tory, though not an enthusiastic one
after the passing of Mrs T. But a Tory majority would be much less bad than a
Labour/SNP one.
Janet Daley wrote an interesting and perceptive
piece in the Telegraph a year or so ago. She said that at more or less the same
time that the Socialist experiment collapsed in most countries and free market
arguments won the day, the western world moved towards a lukewarm form of
Socialism, paid for by a cowed private sector. Europe is visibly failing
economically. Its GDP is shrinking. The Eurozone has been a catastrophe for
Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal. And this at a time when much of the world,
notably in Asia, is booming.
Here is my favourite statistic of all time: SINCE
That has come about not as a result of foreign aid
(which arguably hurts poor countries) but by increasingly free markets.
Vietnam, now governed by Socialists (allegedly) is now prospering.
We invented Capitalism and then castrated it. Asia
adopted it and thrives. The lesson is very clear – let them who have eyes to
see, see. We are deaf and blind.
Eventually, I am sure, there will be an awakening. I
hope it is not too late. If we wait too long, Europe may be so far islamicised
that Shari’ah economics will prevail – not a happy prospect.
On that cheerful note…
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