A New Feature
I spend altogether too much time listening to
YouTube videos: not of pets doing cute things but of talks, lectures and
My other hobby is keeping this blog. So I have
decided to combine the two. I am going to include in each post at least one
link to a video or videos I think worth viewing. I hope you will think I have
chosen well.
For my first offering, here is a link to one of my all-time
heroes, Jay Richards. He speaks on a variety of topics which interest me:
Intelligent Design, Economics and Climate Change, to name but three.
In my view, he speaks very well. He is clearly
intelligent and well informed and he is a contrarian, though a well-mannered
Here is a video in which he talks about Money, Greed and God. It is not densely
theological. Indeed, it is concerned with ethical issues which might easily
interest those of an entirely secular mind-set:
And another:
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