beings act purposively. This is the great insight of Ludwig von Mises of the
Austrian School of Economics. We act in order to bring about, in the future, a
situation which we deem to be preferable to the situation in the present.
Well, I am not going to summarise Human
Action here, or to trace all the consequences of this insight. Suffice it
to say that, given the existence of free will, this seems pretty well
self-evident. If we have no free will, then all our thinking about thoughts,
aspirations and motives is neither here or there. If you regard yourself as a
puppet whose thoughts and actions have been entirely pre-determined by Physics
and Chemistry, you may as well stop reading now.
If I
imagine a state of affairs which suits me better than the current state of
affairs and if I believe that certain actions on my part will bring about said
state of affairs and if I perform those actions, I am acting purposively. This
has nothing to say about the quality of my beliefs or of the validity of my
thinking processes or of the truth content of my suppositions. I am hungry. I
prefer not to be hungry. I believe that eating will satisfy my hunger – so I
eat. I am penniless. I believe that having money is a preferable situation – so
I resolve to get a job. I believe that a smart appearance will improve my
chances of getting a job – so I wash and iron my shirt.
I assume
that the world and his wife will agree: if these are the things you want these
are the actions you should take. These are very simple instances of action. Our
lives are made up of simple instances and of longer chains of goal oriented
(purposive) actions.
individuals, we sometimes get things right. Sometimes our actions do indeed
bring our goals nearer. Sometimes we get things wrong. If we indulge in crystal
meth in the hopes of feeling good, we have every chance of feeling very bad in
the long run. Wise observers of our behaviour have every right to say, ‘we told
you so, you plonker!’
But we
are not just individuals. We live in societies. Every action has the
possibility of affecting other people. For better or worse, as members of
political units, we have, by voting or by acquiescing, actions that affect
thousands of other people. We have, therefore, a profound responsibility to
examine our beliefs, thinking and suppositions.
The first
problem with political action is the problem of knowing what the consequence
will be. Firstly, we cannot know for sure what every other human being actually
wants. Secondly, we cannot know whether the things they things they want will
really contribute to their well-being. Thirdly, political actions that bring
about well-being of one group may do the opposite for another group. Fourthly,
our calculations may simply be wrong; we may hope to benefit people while
actually harming them. We are profoundly ignorant. From this it follows that we
should, at least, be very circumspect about any and all political actions.
Perhaps we should refrain from any political action until we are sure that the
benefits outweigh the disadvantage.
In our
big modern states the government has taken on a huge range of responsibilities.
The government in effect makes a vast number of decisions for the individual
citizen, almost always without knowing what it needs to make good decisions.
Doubtless, governments in democracies make decisions on behalf of citizens with
benign motives. This always involves spending money; and, since government has
no money of its own, it has to expropriate money from the citizen.
governments take an enormous amount of money from us to spend on education –
and it doesn’t get value form money on what it spends. The same applies to
health care.
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