Obama has described this as the defining issue of
our age. I thought the chattering classes believed it was anthropogenic global
Suppose you were to inform me about some major
problem in the world, say Malaria. You give me statistics about incidence of
the disease, about mortality rates, about the nastiness of Malaria and I shrug
and smirk, “I don’t care”. You would have reason to think that you were dealing
with a pretty unpleasant person. You would be right. Likewise, if you were
telling me about suicide bombings or beheadings or about people whose diet was
life-threateningly bad. Your contempt for me would be entirely justified.
This isn’t going to happen – because I do care about
these things.
OK, start again. Suppose you had written a best-selling
book about the iniquity of inequality or even won a Nobel Prize for researching
the pernicious effects of income inequality. I shrug and smirk and say, “I don’t
care.” You tell me that some bosses earn more than 100 times as much as people
they employ. “Don’t care.”
If you tell me that A does not earn enough to keep
body and soul together, I will want to know if he is to blame, if he is too
indolent to look after himself. If not, I will
care. I will want a state safety net or private charity to provide for him or
to help him get on his feet.
Another example: walking down Deansgate, I encounter
a stunningly beautiful young woman. A few yards later I encounter another young
woman; she is decidedly plain. Do I start hyperventilating about the injustice?
Do I throw battery acid in the face of the beauty? Of course not. I wouldn’t do
anything. I might approve of the plain girl losing some weight or being given
some tips about skincare.
In other words, provided B has not robbed C, it is
never right to disadvantage B simply to reduce the inequality between him and
Joseph Stiglitz has written a book about inequality
and has won a Nobel Prize for his ‘thinking’. Wilkinson and Pickett have
written a really nasty book, The Spirit
Level purporting to show that more ‘equal’ societies are ‘better’ in every
way than less ‘equal’ societies. And there is Thomas Picketty who also obsesses
on this theme.
X and Y are unequal in some way. X is better, luckier,
prettier, richer, brighter, happier, more talented than Y. It is almost always more
difficult to bring Y up to X’s level than to bring X down: battery acid, a bang
on the head, progressive taxation, which is always what the ‘equalists’ choose.
I am ugly and you are handsome. I am poor and you
are rich. Let’s tax and mutilate you. Voila!
Leftists bang on incessantly about fairness. They have
a definition of fairness which I do not understand.
In most democracies we have ‘progressive’ income
tax. For me all taxes are iffy. But a tax which takes proportionately more from
one group than from another is, by definition, unfair. 10% from everyone might
be justified (it has scriptural support); but 10% from poor people and 40% from
rich people is self-evidently wicked. Even more wicked was the ancient regime
whereby the poor paid all the tax.
Income tax is bad enough but many leftists want ‘wealth’
taxes, which simply siphon money from those who have.
These nasty equalists base their political economy
upon flouting the commandment against covetousness. If I have sufficient (and
let’s face it, most English people have more than a sufficiency) why should it
matter that my neighbour has more, even much more?