Been Thinking about Global Warming Hysteria – Again
The Earth is about 4 billion years old. A lot has
happened. Continents have slid around. Mountain ranges have emerged. Sheets of
ice miles thick have periodically covered vast areas and then retreated. The
atmosphere has fluctuated: sometimes more carbon dioxide, sometimes less. Whole
phyla of animals have emerged. Many species of plants and animals have appeared
and disappeared. It has been a turbulent 4 billion years. Every change has had
a cause. Some causes can be guessed at. When it comes to long past events, we
can speculate. We do have evidence of cyclical variations of temperature and
atmosphere. Sometimes high concentrations of CO2 have coincided with
high temperatures, sometimes with ice ages. The rest of the solar system
affects our earth. The moon drags the oceans around and gives us tides. The
activity of the sun (in the form of sun spots) correlates with weather, crop
yields and stock market prices. Lots of things change. One change affects other
A series of causes (about which we can speculate)
rendered the Earth in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries relatively
colder than it had been. This was BAD
news for people at the time. Food was harder to grow and fuel to maintain life
became more expensive. History tells us that during the ‘Roman Warm Period’ and
the ‘Medieval Warm Period’ European civilisation flourished. Food was
relatively plentiful. Winters were lethal to relatively few.
A few decades ago some scientists speculated that we
were due for another cold period. This was, indeed, a cause for some alarm. The
prospect of ice fairs on the Thames did not compensate for the prospect of rising
food prices. Fears of another ice age were credible – ice ages had happened
All of a sudden two things happened. We observed
that the average temperature of the Earth had risen since the eighteenth
century by a fraction of a degree Centigrade – what a relief. We also
remembered that scientists had told us that certain elements of the atmosphere
(most notably water vapour) had the effect of trapping heat. One of these
elements was CO2, a tiny proportion of our atmosphere (0.04%). It
was/is true that human beings contribute to the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere,
perhaps as much as 3% – the rest comes from volcanoes and other natural causes.
A third thing happened. Governments around the world
took it into their heads that because human beings contribute some carbon dioxide to the atmosphere
and that there had been some warming
since the Little Ice Age of the eighteenth century, we were frying the Earth. This
conclusion is unwarranted. The Earth
would eventually resemble Venus, whose atmospheric temperature is more than 100o
C. In the meantime oceans would rise and engulf low lying regions.
Al Gore’s absurd movie, An Inconvenient Truth, contained a graphic demonstrating a
correlation between CO2 and temperature. It exists but the graphic also
demonstrated that increases in temperature characteristically preceded rises in CO2.
In view of the fact that weather is so fantastically
complex that forecasts about winds and rain and sunshine and temperature more
than a few days in the future are impossible, the policy recommendations of
these politicians were reckless in the extreme. We were to cut back on the
exploitation of hydrocarbons, whose cheapness and abundance had enabled the
western world to achieve unprecedented levels of prosperity and wellbeing, and
to deny these benefits to the underdeveloped nations.
We may compare the alarmist ‘scientists’ with an
astronomer whose preferred tool is a microscope.
If it were the case that temperatures were rising
dramatically and that the effects in terms of sea levels were causing havoc and
loss of life, we would have serious reasons for investigating the causes and
for contemplating policies (if any were available) to mitigate the problem. The
fact is that the increase has been on the order of 0.6o C over the
past century or so – an increase which would have been regarded as benign (if
niggardly) by those alive in the eighteenth century. In the real world, climate
changes as a result of the sun’s behaviour, about which we can do nothing.
When, as is virtually certain, the global average temperature takes another
dip, we want our economies to be as robust as possible, to facilitate
adaptation. Shutting down industrial civilisation is the very last thing we
should be doing – suicidal, in fact.